A Leader should be responsible, compassionate, intelligent, just, wise, patient and energetic. For Leadership, the implication is that the action of a Leader can be fairly judged only relative to his context. A Leader is one who has an irreversible effect on the life of another.
The necessary conclusion of a monistic world-view is that we are all Leaders, regardless of the recognition or failure to appreciate the effects that we inevitably have on each other's lives. . Leaders and Leadership are related. One is the function of the other. Leadership, however, is not the functioning of Leaders. It is the function of a group and Leaders are a function of Leadership.
12:17 AM | Competency Interview, Selection with 24 comments »Start by selecting the most effective advertising medium in your job market. You wouldn't resort to a television advertisement to recruit computer programmers, for example, because TV appeals to too broad a market. Placing an ad in a programmers' magazine, or one discussing software, would be a more likely source.
Once you've found the right medium, concentrate on the ad itself, keeping these characteristics in mind:
- Design the ad so that it is distinctive in language
and appearance. Use typography and layout to make
your company and the job stand out from other ads on
the page.
- Highlight the major advantages you have to offer.
Address a prospective employee's most important
needs and concerns.
- State only the most critical job requirements. Make
half the ad deal with the job itself. Devote the
other half to selling your organization.
Characteristics & Productivity of the Knowledge Worker
11:49 AM | Knowledge Management with 2 comments »Unlike manual worker, the knowledge worker owns the means of production, are its knowledge, are portable, are among his two ears. It is a person who identifies with their area of expertise, not their employer. The organization is a resource, an area where they apply their knowledge. His loyalty is not obtained through the wage but by offering opportunities for their development. There can, or should, be monitored. There can, or should, be monitored.
According to Peter Drucker2 "In terms of real knowledge about the productivity of knowledge worker, we will be in 2000 about where we were in 1900 in terms of knowledge about the productivity of manual laborer."
There is much that is known today about the productivity of knowledge worker, but they know some things that work to increase it.
For a start, making the knowledge worker more productive requires a change in attitude of both the employee and the company.
Labour must take responsibility because of what it means to be a knowledge worker and because the company is responsible for creating the environment for which the contributions of knowledge worker can be generated and applied. In the next issue will analyze the responsibilities of workers to increase their productivity.
A knowledge worker is an individual who has specific knowledge, knowledge, and uses it to work. We know today by the knowledge into effective action, is a means to obtain results that are outside the individual, society, the economy.
A knowledge worker does not produce anything that is useful in itself does not provide for a physical product like a dress or a portfolio. It produces knowledge, ideas, information, products useless by themselves; someone must take them, integrating them into a task to make them productive. This assertion is that the knowledge worker needs an organization where they can integrate their knowledge into a larger whole.
They are knowledge workers both scientific researchers and surgeons, as cartoonists, managers or employees working with a computer
HR Measurements
11:24 PM | HR Management, HR Metrics, HR Tools, Human Resource Roles with 1 comments »How do you rate your HR Performance..? so we can tell our boss that we have a big contribution in achieving company business objective. We are as HR always be seen stay aside of the line cause we don’t have a qualitative indicator to say we contribute significantly.
Here, I give you a simple reference a number of factors that can be measured to show how HR contributes to the business. Measures such as absence rate, health cost per employee, and HR expense factor show that HR has a sense of the importance of human capital measurement in supporting business objectives.
Absence Rate
[(# days absent in month) / (Ave. # of employees during mo.) X (# of workdays)] X 100
Cost per Hire
(Advertising + Agency Fees + Employee Referrals+ Travel cost of applicants and staff + Relocation costs + Recruiter pay and benefits) / Number of Hires
Health Care Costs per Employee
Total cost of health care / Total Employees
HR expense factor
HR expense / Total operating expense
Human Capital ROI
Revenue - (Operating Expense -[Compensation cost + Benefit cost]) / (Compensation cost + Benefit cost)
Time to fill
Total days elapsed to fill requisitions / Number hired
Training Investment Factor
Total training cost / Headcount Training cost per employee.
Turnover Rate
[# of separations during mo / Ave. # of employees during mo.] x 100
Workers' Compensation Cost per Employee
Total WC cost for Year / Average number of employees
OK….Those are some of HR measurement that we can use to count how strategic HR contribution to support business objective. Compare your metrics against other organization's metric, survey data, etc. to evaluate your performance.
Metrics can show the benefit of your HR practices and it's contribution to your organization's profit.
Have you ever found yourself in the position where you had to justify what you do? In the big picture, can you show how HR benefits the company? Can you point to specific figures and say "I helped the company save "x" amount of dollars?"
If you can't do so now, you may find that you need to at some point in the future. You will want to be ready. So, where do you start? By identifying what you do, measuring what you can, and assigning a dollar value to it.
For example, say you recently read that hiring people who fit into your company culture results in dramatically lower turnover rates and higher profitability for businesses. You want to test out this theory and find out if a change in your hiring procedures to take culture into account will have an impact on your retention rate.
Define the measure
To determine if making such a change would work, you modify your hiring process to include information about your company culture at the outset, and work some questions into candidate interviews designed to help you discover whether a candidate would be a good fit in your organization. After implementing this initiative, look at your retention rate (the flip side of turnover rate) at one year for the employees hired under this system, compared to the one-year retention rate for employees hired prior to this system, and see if there is improvement. If there is, assuming you can rule out other factors, it just might be because you hired the right people for your organizational culture.
Break it down
A higher retention rate gives you a number, but it doesn't break it down into dollars and cents. However, if you estimate that every position you fill costs 1.5 times the salary of the open position, you can multiply that number by the number of positions you didn't have to fill, to give you a quantifiable dollar amount. For example: You filled six fewer positions after the new initiative, each one at a replacement cost of $30,000. This adds up to $180,000 you saved the company in costs not incurred to replace personnel due to the new initiative. You have just justified what you do in bottom line terms.
Keep score
You can keep a "scorecard," which will show how you rate on a number of initiatives, and will identify if these initiatives are working as desired to save the company money. You can update the scorecard quarterly to keep track of your progress throughout the year. The scorecard is something you can present to your superiors that will give them a snapshot view of the value you bring to the organization. It is well worth the effort.
Employees are ever alert for signs of competence, vision, and trustworthiness in their leaders.
When they see these positive signs, they work harder, contribute better ideas, and stay with the
company longer. When they pick up unsettling signals, their performance and loyalty deteriorate.
Because the scrutiny and interpretation are relentless, even trivial things that you say or do
have an impact. For a leader, there’s “no such thing as a casual conversation.”You can’t totally manage the signals you send. Even if your intentions are pure and your performance flawless, the authors say, don’t be surprised when your most innocuous statements are assigned deep, sinister meaning – or are assigned very different meanings by different people.
But if you communicate consistently and clearly, especially in times of crisis, and don’t shy away from the tough issues, you’ll engender the trust and confidence that you need to succeed.
Apa pasalnya APINDO versus Gubernur Propinsi DKI Jakarta...? Kalau ada yang masih ingat beberapa waktu lalu Gubernur Propinsi DKI Jakarta mengeluarkan Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta No. 82 tahun 2006 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kerja yang diberlakukan per tanggal 7 September 2007. Ya.. Peraturan tersebut dianggap memberatkan pengusaha dan juga bertentangan dengan Undang-undang yang berlaku, sehingga pengusaha yang diwakili APINDO melakukan perlawanan hukum dengan mengajukan permohonan Hak Uji Materil atas peraturan tersebut.
Hal yang menjadi pokok masalah dalam perseteruan hukum antara APINDO dan Gubernur Propinsi SKI Jakarta adalah :
- Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta diatas merupakan peraturan pelaksanaan dari Peraturan Daerah Propinsi DKI Jakarta No. 6 Tahun 2004 tentang Ketenagakerjaan pasal 2 ayat 2 Peraturan Gubernur mewajibkan perusahaan yang mempekerjakan pekerja / buruh untuk mengikutkan pekerja / buruhnya dalam program JKDK.
- Dengan wajibkan perusahaan untuk mengikutikan pekerja / buruhnya dalam program JKDK jutru menambah beban penguasaha, karena pada saat yang bersamaan perusahaan telah mengikutkan pekerja / buruhnya dalam program Jamsostek sebagai yang diatur oleh Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 1992.
- Dengan dijadikannya Program JKDK menjadi wajib untuk dilaksanakan maka sangat jelas sekali bahwa hal tersebut bertentangan dengan peraturan perundangan yang lebih tinggi posisinya yaitu pasal 1 angka 3 Undang-Undang No. 3 tahun 1992 tentang Perasuransian yang mengatur bahwa yang termasuk program asuransi wajib adalah program asuransi sosial yang diselenggarakan secara wajib berdasarkan Undang-Undang.
- ....................
Untuk detailnya tentang pokok permasalahan dan putusan Mahkamah Agung atas permohonan Hak Uji Materil APINDO terhapad Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta No. 82 tahun 2006 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kerja bisa dilihat dalam file yang dapat di download disini.

Next sharing day in tomorrow Tuesday is about Performance Management Development Online. What is that...? Performance Management Development online is the way we monitor performance every time through portal that can be accessed where we are, even when we are on duty (visiting branches).
This topic will be presented by HR Business System from Central Services and hoping all employees are able to attend this hot topic of the month, cause we are just planning a performance management development for Y2009, even though this is lately. :)
How about Human Resource Activities day in your company ..?
New Roles Human Resource Practitioner
11:29 AM | HR Management, Human Resource Roles, Review with 0 comments »Four new roles human resource practitioners should adopt:
- Human capital steward. HR has long understood "human capital" to be the collective knowledge, skills and abilities of an organization's workers. But the role of "steward" of these resources is a new one. Unlike raw materials or equipment, The human capital cannot be simply bought and used," the authors write. "Human capital must be contributed by the employee voluntarily," and the role of HR is to create an atmosphere in which employees can contribute their skills, ideas and energy. This is achieved by "facilitating employees without controlling them."
- Knowledge facilitator. In this role, HR helps the organization acquire and disseminate knowledge and use it to create a competitive advantage. Transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge can help build employee skills, competencies and careers, the Lengnick-Halls write. This transformation comes about when knowledge sharing is valued. "Teaching must become part of everyone's job."
- Relationship builder. HR must facilitate cross-functional teamwork, the authors write. "HRM must build networks and shared people communities around the strategic objectives of the business to ensure competitiveness," the authors write.
- Rapid deployment specialist. The global economy moves quickly, requiring HR to anticipate and implement any staffing adjustments that evolving markets and business strategies will require. This will necessitate a versatile, flexible HR architecture.
Makes a difference through a good employee selection practices
11:24 AM | HR Management, Selection with 0 comments »At a recent leadership development training program, I asked a question I regularly ask:
Knowing what you know now, how many of your current employees would you re-employ?
Answer - about 60%.
This answer is consistent with previous groups I have trained, as well as general employment survey research. It means that poor employee selection decisions are regularly made.
Suitable candidates are not being found. About 40% of employees are not performing well or as expected. In some way, they cause their management a problem. It may be poor attitude or interpersonal problems. It may be they cannot perform their duties properly.
In time management programs, I sometimes cite recruitment and selection as a good example of the 'Pareto principle' - 20% of the effort produces 80% of the results.
It is worth a little extra effort to make a good selection rather than an average one. Spending the time to make a good decision is a sound investment. It is time well spent.
Managing performance problems is a constant theme raised by training participants. Amongst other things, poor performance consumes management time. It diverts attention away from more productive matters.
Managing performance would not be a major issue if team leaders and managers exercised greater control in the recruitment and selection process.
Employee Friendly Policies and Practices
10:57 PM | HR Management, People Development with 0 comments »Young people are more mobile and less committed to individual organizations. The baby boomers are approaching retirement age.
To retain staff, organizations have to be more flexible, ensuring that work/life balance is possible.
When we talk about work/life balance, we tend to picture in our mind couples with young children. It actually applies to all employees. Work/life balance applies to young, single people and older people seeking shorter working hours.
People want to experience life. They want to travel. They want flexibility and because of the skills shortage, they can seek out organizations that cater for these aspirations.
So organizations need to have supportive policies like sabbaticals (12 months leave of absence without pay) and flexible working hours.
Once the policies are in place, managers and team leaders need to implement them correctly. Workplace flexibility is much harder to manage. Sometimes it hard to meet operational demands when everyone wants Friday off to make it a four day weekend (eg. Queens Birthday public holiday on the Monday). But it has to be managed. The good intent behind the flexibility policy is lost if it is too much hassle to get the time off you need. There has to be a match between reality and expectations.
These things are about the interaction between work and private time.
What about the time actually spent at work?
The HR Answer Book addresses 200 questions that every employer needs to deal with, from recruiting and hiring to discipline and termination, compensation and benefits to training and employee relations. Accessible and concise, this on-the-job companion offers expert guidance on all types of ""people"" issues, enabling managers and human resources professionals to:
- Save time, money, and trouble
- Increase employee productivity, satisfaction, and retention
- Attract and hire the best candidates while avoiding the inferior ones
- Handle tough issues like sexual harassment, Internet and e-mail usage, performance problems, and more -- fairly, sensitively, and legally.
The HR Answer Book is an easy-to-use problem solver that can be read cover-to-cover or as a quick reference in specific situations. An appendix of tools, templates, and lists of additional resources completes this excellent and valuable guide."
Read More...First of all, we have to understand that hospitalists are doctors who specialize or focus on hospital medicine treatment. It means, these doctors consider the hospital as their office. Hospitalists are involved in research, patient care, teaching related to hospital care.
The activity of a hospitalists focuses on hospital care for inpatients. They provide another way to assist in the traditional patient-doctor relationship. They also do not have any outside practices and focuses. Because of this, hospitalists are able to take care and have more time for hospital patients.
Today, providing hospitalist physicians in hospitals all over the world in a contractual basis is a best practice of many organizations and companies. This is because they are able to provide service to primary healthcare physicians who are regulars in the hospital’s medical staff. This means that they will be responsible for outpatient and emergency room care patients if a member of the medical staff doesn’t want the responsibility.
Another benefit that the hospital can take advantage of if they hire Hospitalists is that they will be able to move patients to the recovery process faster. Hospitals will now be able to do this without sacrificing the quality of hospital care. This means that it will eventually ease the frequent needs of the hospital on holding patients in the emergency department and also on the admission.
Hospitals will also benefit from hospitalist programs. This is because it actually reduces the patient’s length of stay and the hospital costs to about 15%. This program will also decrease the number of admissions that are inappropriate and the number of days denied for managed care companies. A hospitalist program also provides satisfaction rating for the patient and the family and it also improves relationship between the physician and the patient.
Does outsourcing works for your advantage or disadvantage?
Businessmen should know business process of company where they are in. It can be they know what is the best way to make every job was done strategically. Outsourcing is well known as one of the effective alternative which provides the freedom of dumping all of their non-core important aspect of the business so they would have much more time to be free from additional responsibility and allocate the spare time to focus on the core of the business,
For a politician, outsourcing is a political subject that can be argued on debates within the walls of Congress and newspapers. The issue will serve as a “fortified objection” to take away jobs from your own countrymen, making your business “unpatriotic”. Politician’s sympathy with regards to the outsourcing issue may win him a few votes in the upcoming election, nothing more than that.
Advantage of outsourcing is being one of the cost-effective measures that you can take for your business. Businessmen are aware that in United States or in Europe, information technology (IT) services and human resource are expensive, off course this can affect the way they recruit additional manpower in case of business expansion, but outsourcing provides an option in getting highly-productive manpower in a cheaper rate.
Another convincing advantage of outsourcing is saving substantial amount of money in developing some aspects of your business (such as IT development). Since outsourcing involves reduced expenditures on your part, you will be able to maximize the value of your money to have your IT services developed into the latest and most powerful modern information tool. Additional advantage you will avoid recruiting new personnel who will handle the development as well as training them that time consuming and highly cost.
There are other advantages of outsourcing, yet the aforementioned advantages are the most noted ones. Do not be misled by rumors and gossips about outsourcing. You are the business owner—and you know what is good for your business.
Membangun Sistem Pengembangan Berbasis Kompetensi
10:40 PM | People Development, Perfomance Management with 0 comments »Kalau dari Judulnya "Membangun Sistem Pengembangan Berbasis Kompetensi" rasanya keren banget. Tapi sebenarnya bukan itu yang saya ingin share disini dan sharing kali ini juga bukan untuk sebuah tuntutan tetapi sebuah ajakan diskusi saja karena jujur saja saya masih bingung dengan konsep berbasiskan kompetensi pada aplikasinya di perusahaan.
Dalam beberapa minggu ini saya coba memahami sebuah sistem pengembangan berbasiskan kompetensi ini. Dimana secara sederhana saya memahaminya sebagai sebuah sistem dimana karyawan dikembangkan berdasarkan gap kompetensi yang ada antara Individual Requirement dengan Job Requirement. Diharapkan dengan mengisi gap tersebut dapat menjadikan karyawan lebih mumpuni untuk menjalan tugasnya. Proses pengisian gap ini beragam caranya, salah duanya bisa dengan In Class Training atau On The Job Training. Namun memang tidak bisa serta merta langsung bisa terisi, proses pengukuran memerlukan waktu dan tergantung sekali pada fokus yang ada diukur.
Beberapa level pengukuran dampak sebuah training diantaranya :
- Pengukuran pada knowledge yang dapat diukur dengan post dan pre test, biasanya dilakukan langsung di dalam kelas.
- Pengukuran pada Kemampuannya atas penambahan pengetahuannya melalui training tadi
- Pengukuran pada Perilaku pribadi karyawan tersebut dan yang terakhir pengukuran pada perilaku organisasi secara keseluruhan dimana karyawan tersebut berada.
Kembali pada proses indetifikasi kompetensi guna mengetahui gapnya paling ideal dilakukan dengan assesment center. Pendekatan ini, menurut informasi yang saya terima, merupakan pendekatan yang paling bagus dalam mengidentifikasi kompetensi seseorang. Namun, sayangnya biayanya cukup mahal dan time consume. Pendekatan berikutnya yang cukup murah meriah adalah dengan melakukan Learning Group Discussion, namun ini time consume juga dan untuk perusahaan yang memiliki cabang yang cukup banyak maka biaya perjalanan akan menjadi sangat besar karena harus menginap untuk perserta dari luar kota. Yang ketiga.... alternatifnya adalah menggunakan interview dengan sistem Behavior Event Interview (BEI).
Pertanyaannya. Apakah semua leader sudah mampu untuk melakukan proses interview dengan sistem ini dan mampu mengidentifikasi setiap level kompetensi..?
Bisa.. namun sangat amat subjectif dan penuh dengan bias. Seorang leader yang berlatar belakang Human Resource saja mungkin bisa menilai berbeda dengan rekan lain dalam satu profesi yang sama. Dalam hal ini perlu jam terbang yang tinggi untuk menjadi sensitif atas apa yang ditunjukan oleh karyawan yang diinterview untuk kemudian ditentukan level kompetensinya.
Bagaimana dengan para leader yang sehari-hari jarang melakukan proses BEI..? Apakah informasi yang dituangkan adalam penilaian kinerja akhir tahun pada bagian kompetensi menjadi valid sebagai dasar pengembangan berbasiskan kompetensi.
Hingga kini saya belum menemukan jawabannya yang pas untuk men-challenge diri saya sendiri atas kondisi diatas. Semoga bisa segera mendapatkan "hidayah" nya :)
Many things were involved in the business process. It involves every aspect of your company in order to let your company operate smoothly and efficiently. It will involve business tasks, such as human resources , payrolls, marketing , helpdesks, management and more.
Handling all of these can be easy in the past. But since the growing demands in businesses today, you have to consider that it will be difficult for your company to cope up with today’s competitiveness in the business world. It means company should maximize its resources in order to remain competitive with other companies.
By outsourcing the business process, it could be one of the most popular and the most cost-efficient business solution that you can be implemented. By making a agreement contract to other companies to do a specific business task, you will be taking off extra work involved in your company and focus more on important core business process.
For example, making payrolls can be time consuming. It will involve computation of salaries of every employees and it will also involve taxes, any allowances, You can be as easy as to do the payroll for you. But, this will only add to the expenses that your company is making.
Another example would be the help desk. Every company that manufactures products needs one. This particular business process is a way to communicate with your clients and know about their feedback in your products and it is also a way to assist your clients in case they encounter difficulty with your product. Creating a help desk department may prove to be too costly. It will involve everything from hiring additional employees and purchasing all the necessary tools you need to create an efficient and working help desk.
Saat istirahat siang sempat diskusi kecil dengan seorang rekan kerja yang datang ketempat saya. Berawal permintaan saya terhadap data SAP berupa data cost center dari masing-masing karyawan untuk pembenahan cost center paska reorganisasi, dia tau-tau nongol disamping saya sambil menanyakan apakah atanya sudah diterima..? Sambil mengunyah saya bilang "sudah pak.." Lalu ybs duduk disebelah saya.
Diskusi berawal dari data cost center tersebut melebar hingga akhirnya kita membicarakan mekanisme mengukur overtime (lembur) sebagai indikator (signal) terhadap kondisi sebuah organisasi atau sub organisasi.
Ditempat saya bekerja, untuk level non-staff berhak lembur atas kelebihan jam kerja normalnya sebanyak 56 jam / bulan. Artinya jika... seorang karyawan (non staff) dengan gaji sebesar Rp. 2.000.000,- maka atas dasar ketentuan diatas hitungan lemburnya seharusnya tidak boleh lebih dari Rp 1.295.000,-
Hitungan sederhananya sbb :
Gaji Pokok = 2.000.000
Upah Perjam = 11.561
Batas Maksimal Untuk Lembur = 56 x 2 x 11.561 = 1.295.000
Apa yang dapat dianalisa jika biaya lembur melebihi 1.295.000 / bulan. Sangat beragam tentunya, namun salah satunya kita bisa melihat betapa banyaknya pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh karyawan tersebut sehingga harus lembur selama 8X selama 7 Jam / bulan. Jika ternyata dalam satu departemen yang melakukan claim lembur hanya satu atau dua orang saja, ada kemungkinan tidak meratanya load pekerjaan yang dibebankan kepada karyawan dan masih banyak lagi.
Bagaimana dengan perhitungan lembur diperusahaan anda sebagai kontrol terhadap karyawan...?
Outsourcing is the new buzzword in the business world. However, a lot of people still ask the question of why company outsource their business process…?. The simple and quick answer is by running outsource their business process, it can save more money for operational business expenses.
Actually, aside from saving more money from outsourcing, companies that want to unburden from heavy non core business workloads caused by the growth of demand for their work by the public resort to outsourcing to do the job they should be doing. Businesses today recruit outsourcing companies from other countries to do a part of the business process in order to save money on labor and also expand their capabilities.
When you outsource a part of the business process to outsourcing company in developing countries where the government defines the minimum salary rate which is lower compared in the United States and other European countries, find them with the same quality from a qualified professionals in order to get trade off effectively. This is the reason outsourcing can save your company a lot of money in terms of salary payments.
But however to get benefits effectively before you try and outsource part of your company’s work, determining to recruit qualified and skilled professionals with skills related to your business is critical and very important. You can only find them in the right outsourcing company who has many experienced professionals as your business partners. This will ensure the best quality for your outsourced jobs.
By first checking out the quality of work from an outsourcing company by interviewing the manager, you will be able to identify if the work done meet your criteria or not. If it is not, you can always go to other experienced outsourcing companies and check out the quality of their work. This trick will enable you to find the company that will meet your standards.
Finally with outsourcing, your business will be able to grow and also decrease the burden of heavy non core workload.
Just imagine that you need a business process to be accomplished. You recruit a professional in your country and pay for the job done is about a hundred dollars. This can prove to be too expensive for your company. What if you can get the job done, with the same quality form a person with the same qualifications as the person you recruit before, to do the particular business process at half the price?
This can prove to be very impressed. However, how can you be able to recruit this person with the same qualification but with half the price of paying your professional? The answer of this question is to outsource business process of your company in developing countries full of talented professionals.
Since developing countries have lower minimum salary rates, outsourcing can prove to be a cheaper alternative to do a particular business process done as you need. Not only that, if your company’s business process is burdened with heavy non core workloads, outsourcing is the one of your answer that can help your company’s business process ease the burden. It means more efficiency and productivity for your company’s business process while saving a lot of money in the process and also means you are sure get the job done at half the price.
The most popular and the most chosen strategy that businesses are now considering is outsourcing, because outsourcing can make your company’s business process done in a cheaper way. That is why, it is now the latest trend with high-profile businesses today.
By outsourcing your company’s business process to other countries, you will save a lot of money. And, you may also think that outsourcing should cost more money than doing your business process in-house. And besides, why should recruit a company at all to do part of your company’s business process when you can do it by yourself.
First of all, many countries are like United States, Canada and also in European countries are outsourced parts of business process in developing countries, such as India because the price of manpower through outsourcing is relatively cheap, the other side those companies are still able to get a standard quality business process form the professionals recruited by outsourcing company . Considering of cheap labor in India also, these countries has been as ones of the largest outsourcing hubs today and many companies outsource their business process here.
In India You will only spend a fraction of the sum benefit you must pay if you run your own business process. It means you don’t need to offer the highest salary you are budgeted to recruit a full time employees. For example, when you budget a project that will cost about 100 dollars, then you outsource it to India will only cost around 20 dollars per project. So, just imagine if you have 1000 projects to be accomplished. You can calculate how much money you can save when you outsource it to India.
Talented IT professionals in India is well-known in Asia even in Europe that are now seeking employment in companies that accepts outsourced jobs. These professionals are very talented & competent and they also can provide a good quality work that may rival the work of your country’s IT professionals.
The reason why companies are now considering outsourcing their business process or at least part of their business process to India is because outsourcing can lighten the workload.
As an example of this would be help desks. As a company that orient to customer services for selling your products, you will need a help desk department in order to communicate with your customers and know about their inquiries, complaints and answer their questions regarding your product or services.
To develop this help desk department requires a lot of money. You will need to recruit additional employees for your company with full benefits to act as help desk representatives who will answer the calls from your clients. You will also need to purchase computers, subscribe to VoIP, and purchase help desk software in order to let this department run smoothly and efficiently.
But you will never need to worry about purchasing computers, software and hiring employees, if you outsource your help desk to India’s call centers. The call center in India will be the one who will provide all of that for you at a very cheap price. So, you should consider India as one of your choice countries to outsource your business process. if you ever need to outsource anything from making payrolls, to making software, to getting help desk services.
Delegating the Flow of Finances to Professionals in a Cost-Efficient Way
7:30 PM | Outsourcing with 3 comments »What we call as a business is composed of a set of interrelated procedures create a system that will ensure the smooth flow of business process and change capital to revenue efficiently. It is important for a businessman to consider each part of system as if it is just the existing system inside the process. Thus, utmost importance and consideration must be given to each process part of system, which includes the accounting process in every company.
That is why we need tax lawyers, public accountants and also financial managers in running a large number of business. It is because of the accounting process that we have to make sure run effectively in order to generate a relevant report to make any decision of the business.
In accounting itself, there are some aspects that a business owner have to consider. There you have the cash-basis accounting, the cost accounting, financial accounting, internal fund accounting, management accounting, project accounting, and others.
In other words, you might make a simple conclusion that accounting is an important and a critical role in a company that must be handled by a competent group of people that have the technical expertise in doing the accounting job as well as financial issues. Come to this reality, many business organizations take this accounting aspects of their business process to third-party organizations, or popularly known as accounting outsourcing.
There are many accounting outsourcing firms you can find outside are able to execute your accounting and bookkeeping tasks to lessen the non core business activities. Here is a summary of the accounting outsourcing firm services that can help your company’s accounting process:
• Preparing cash disbursement checks;
• Preparing input credits and bank deposits;
• Preparing company payroll;
• Preparing tax deposits and bank reconciliation;
• Preparing financial statements;
• Preparing payroll tax returns; and
• Evaluation and review of financial results on different frequencies.
Hoping with accounting outsourcing, a cost-efficient business operation is achievable and management can focus more for other worth activities to generate benefit and profit.
Awalnya karena saya ingin mengevaluasi pengajuan kontrak baru perusahaan outsourcing di cabang semarang, saya coba baca-baca ulang lagi peraturan mengenai perhitungan lembur, karena dalam kontrak dari perusahaan outsourcing ini ada yang janggal, yaitu perhitungan perkaliannya tidak sesuai dengan perhitungan yang selama saya pahami yang merefer pada Kep Men.
Waktu baca ulang pasal 11 huruf b & c, saya menemukan pola perhitungan yang berbeda antara perusahaan yang mempekerjakan karyawan 6 hari kerja dan 5 hari kerja selama satu minggu. Perbedaan perhitungannya berbeda pada lembur hari libur diatas atau sama dengan 8 jam. Hasil perhitungannya lebih besar pada perusahaan yang mempekerjakan karyawannya 6 hari kerja selama seminggu ketimbang yang mempekerjakan karyawan 5 hari kerja selama seminggu. Detail perhitungannya bisa dilihat di halaman ini.
Perusahaan tempat saya bekerja saat ini memiliki jadwal hari kerja selama 5 hari kerja dalam seminggu, namun perhitungan lembur dihari libur menggunakan perhitungan untuk perusahaan yang mempekerjakan karyawan 6 hari kerja seminggu. Jadi perusahaan terlalu lebih bayar atas lemburnya.
Bukan perkara mudah untuk mengkomunikasikan hal ini kepada karyawan, karena kalau mengikuti Kep Men, perhitungan lemburnya akan jauh lebih kecil dan tidak semua orang bisa menerima perubahan tersebut dalam rangka mengikuti KepMen, akan besar sekali resistance dari perubahan tersebut.
Melalui blog ini saya coba berbagi formula perhitungan perbandingannya dan buat anda pengunjung yang sudah mendownload file tersebut disini, silahkan disebarkan kepada rekan-rekan anda yang lainnya. Diharapakanformula perhitungan ini akan sampai pada salah satu karyawan dan membagikannya lagi kepada rekan kerjanya yang lain. Dari sini, akan lebih mudah untuk menyampaikannya, karena mereka seolah-olah sudah mengetahuinya lebih dahulu informasi yang benar mengenai perhitungan yang sebenarnya.
Itu salah satu saja manfaat HR ngeblog. Ayo dong ngeblog..tuangkan ide kreatifnya atau apapun yang anda ketahui tentang dunia HR berdasarkan pengalaman
Learn a leadership & communication style of Obama - President Elected of America 2009. What he said about how to change American culture. Here is a report from Moss Kanter :
Read More...In the transition to the Obama administration, I have been interviewed by old and new media about President-Elect Obama's stimulus package, which I applaud for its focus on job creation through short-term infrastructure upgrades combined with longer term investments in technologies of the future.
But I think that what Barack Obama could really change is American culture - and with it, the work ethic and business norms that can support recovery and competitiveness.
So here is my David Letterman-style Top 10 list of how President Obama will shape a new culture. The items are fun, but the message is no joke - there are serious reasons these changes could help the economy.
10. It will be cool to make jump shots AND do well in school.America is losing competitiveness because we're not educating every child. In some disadvantaged communities, the long-shot of sports or rock star fame seems the only path to success, not staying in school. Obama's model is already changing that, and if it succeeds, America's stock of human capital will increase.
9. Middle-of-the-night studying will replace middle-of-the-night prowling.
Discipline is everything. So are mentors. Obama's grandmother held him to high standards. We could do the same for our colleagues, employees, and children. Hard work built America, and hard work can build a positive future.8. Kansas will go cosmopolitan and develop children like Obama's mother, with curiosity about other countries.
Obama's Midwestern mother, Stanley Dunham, studied other cultures and took her son abroad. Will more Americans now understand how much there is to learn from other cultures, and how important that knowledge is for success in global marketplaces?
7. Dreams from My Father will be taught in English literature classes, mainstreaming the Chicago black experience.Obama's first book is a lyrical classic. It might encourage people to talk openly about their backgrounds, thus deepening human bonds necessary for teamwork and collaboration.
6. No matter how important the task, people will put it aside to visit their dying grandmother.
On the eve of the election, Obama stopped campaigning for the most powerful job in the world to put family first. In many companies, work-life flexibility exists in theory more than practice. When will all managers increase compassion and acknowledge that work is not all there is to life?5. Students will aspire to be community organizers rather than investment bankers.
Obama chose organizing over analyzing. Which career path looks more likely to propel people to the top today? Besides, companies need people with organizing skills, who know how to mobilize support for new ideas.
4. Foreigners will be the hot new date, because if marriage follows, the offspring could be over-achievers.We'll never know whether Obama's genius genes came from his white mother or his black African father. Three cheers for diversity! Maybe more managers will look beyond race, gender, and ethnicity to find major talent.
3. Unusual first names will replace nicknames, giving everyone a little more R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
I might be alone here, but I'm tired of hearing people first-name or nickname people they have never met (including me). Polite formalities first, please. Respecting others facilitates deal-making.2. Politicians will try to sound intelligent rather than like folksy beer-drinkers.
Brainpower is an under-rated item on lists of leadership traits. Like Obama, the people in charge of big assets should be big thinkers with the best education.1. After saying, "Hello, how are you?" people will ask, "And how are you improving the world this week?"
I anticipate a big surge in national service under Obama. Federally-supported opportunities will expand through a bill now in Congress. Companies will emulate IBM in creating their own service corps to develop younger leaders through doing good around the world. Service could become a lifelong expectation.
Leaders are powerful role models. I have high hopes for Obama as culture-shaper - and for all of us who like these values and can act on them.
Who is the person very knowing about sub-ordinate..? O f course, the manager means the leader. Is the manager is a leader..? Sorry, I am not so sure about this. Because many managers just like somebody that hold a position as manager only with all of their facilities that provided by company.
It is not too difficult to identify if someone is a manager as a leader or just an ordinary manager. Take a look tightly in every manager's behavior when company has an unpopular policy to be implemented. It is supposed People Development method has to change from in class training to on the job training with 95% through on the job training and 5% through Off The Job Training or In Class Training.
A manager who is a leader will support this policy and no resistance to their own self in implement it moreover in this global financial crisis that impact to economy slow down and also slow the business.
But however what I write is not the only one of identifying a manager as a leader. It's only my reflection what I see in the office daily activities a long day with area manager.
What about managers in your company..?
Continuing article about Human Resource Outsourcing Services: Providing Experts for Your Company, I would like to note some disadvantage of it.
Many human resource jobs are sensitive and confidential information. It means you must make sure that the outsourcing services you recruit has a strong organization that will be able to keep any sensitive and confidential information of your company. Make sure you put this issues on your contract agreement.
Also, when you outsource your human resource department, there is another disadvantage which you will be directing your clients to the outsourcing company. This means that you will lost contact for direct communication with your clients and it can weaken your relationship with your clients and even with potential clients. That’s why, you have to make sure that the quality, competencies of the outsourcing company’s services remains at par with your standards.
These are the things you should consider if you are planning to outsource your human resources jobs. Keeping all of them in mind will help you to ensure quality of the outsourcing company in services. And also please to consider outsourcing the human resource jobs as a tool to run the business of your company, cause it can be as a growth engine to access human resource technology without spending a lot of expenses on technology and reduce administrative overheads which time consume.Always remember that strategic roles of your company should always be kept in-house.
Beberapa waktu lalu saya membuat sebuah formula untuk pehitungan lembur bedasarakan
Kep.Men 102/MEN/VI/2004 mengenai Waktu Kerja Lembur dan Upah Kerja Lembur. Berdasarkan input dari seorang rekan mengenai perhitungan lembur tersebut saya lakukan koreksi. Perubahan tidak terlalu signifikan, namun mengingat perhitungan lembur tersebut sangat penting untuk menghasilkan yang akurat, sehingga perlu saya benahi.
Perubahan itu adalah rumus untuk menghitung setiap kolom tidak sesuai dengan jumlah baris yang seharusnya dihitung, kemudian tambahan sedikit mengenai statistik dari variance perhitungan lembur.
Bagi rekan-rekan yang sempat mendownload file sebelumnya, silahkan untuk mendownload ulang file tersebut (tanpa password) dan ada beberapa file yang mungkin berguna sebagai referensi hukum
HR Outsourcing Services: Providing Experts for Your Company
10:05 PM | Outsourcing with 0 comments »If you lack experts and resource, it can be time or skill, in your company to execute the jobs? You could choose to outsource human resource role to another company outside. It means that your company will need to recruit an outsourcing company to do some of the job for your company in order to get the jobs done efficiently.
It’s the fact that some of the jobs that you need to do require some experts. However, hiring experts means will cost your company more expensive and time consume. But if you make the jobs done through outsourcing companies and freelancers, you will be saving a lot of money in terms of compensation & benefit.
Human resource roles, such as payrolls, benefits administration, employee satisfaction survey , employee management are now outsourced to other companies, which will save on business expenses. Outsource human resource roles to other company is now becoming the best alternative, moreover in this global financial crisis. The other side, this outsourcing business is becoming a booming business in the countries, such as China, Philippines, India and other developing countries.
If outsourcing is run effectively and efficiently will saves a lot of money, your company will be more productive in human resource jobs. There are a lot of experts in these developing countries that are skilled and competent to execute your human resources jobs. You will be able to get quality services at a very competitive price.
One of the benefits you get from outsourcing your human resources jobs is that it will allow your company to focus more on support other department strategically and think about developing and retaining talented employees.
Your company can also save a lot of money to build your own in-house human resource department, because the outsourcing companies will provide the office space, technology and also manpower. They will only charge you with the services they do.
However, with all the advantages that human resource outsourcing can provide you, there will always be some disadvantages.
Outsourcing is one of the latest buzzwords in the business world. It is one of solution in running an effective business that will absolutely benefit your company. In outsourcing, you will be hiring a third party company to run business of your company or at least part of it. So, one of the question is should you run outsource for your business when you can run your company's business in-house?
The main reason why nowadays companies are outsourcing in running their business or at least part of their business to other companies is that it is relatively cheaper than doing it in-house. For instance, if your company needs a customer service department or a help desk, you should need a particularly large space of office for this department and a lot of materials to furnish it, such as computers, software, sofa, filling cabinet and your company will also recruit a large number of manpower to handle job as call center agents or help desk agents.
If you outsource it to call center agent companies, you will not need to recruit any additional employees and purchase the technology, furniture or even rent a large space of office to run an effective call center department.
Companies prefer outsourcing in another country or offshore outsourcing, particularly in developing countries, such as Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Philippines, China. This is because there is quite a large number of talented individuals joining the workforce every year. Many qualified and talented professionals in these countries are able to provide the same quality services as the qualified individuals in developed countries with companies that outsource their business or part of it, such as the United States, Canada, and countries in Europe.
This means running business through outsourcing could get a cheaper labor to run their business in developing countries than in their own countries. Another reason is that the companies who outsource to run their business or part of their business can be focus more in the development of their people and core business.
The space of office intended for the outsourced job can be applied to another department. It can be an expansion of another department or it can be an entirely new department that the company may add.
Finding the right company to outsource your business can be rather easy to do. You actually don’t have to travel to the country where you plan on outsourcing you business. All you have to do is search for it in your favorite search engine in the internet and you can expect a lot of results.
Since there are a lot of companies that offer services for outsource your business, so it can be a great opportunity that you can get a company that suit your company’s needs. It is recommended to considered first about legality of outsourcing company then choose a company that is known to provide quality outsourced work. If you have friensd in the same business as your company's business, ask them for recommendation the company you plan to hiring and make sure they have an experience in your field before.
Have you ever found yourself in the position where you had to justify what you do? In the big picture, can you show how HR benefits the company? Can you point to specific figures and say "I helped the company save "x" amount of dollars?"
If you can't do so now, you may find that you need to at some point in the future. You will want to be ready. So, where do you start? By identifying what you do, measuring what you can, and assigning a dollar value to it.
For example, say you recently read that hiring people who fit into your company culture results in dramatically lower turnover rates and higher profitability for businesses. You want to test out this theory and find out if a change in your hiring procedures to take culture into account will have an impact on your retention rate.
Define the measure
To determine if making such a change would work, you modify your hiring process to include information about your company culture at the outset, and work some questions into candidate interviews designed to help you discover whether a candidate would be a good fit in your organization. After implementing this initiative, look at your retention rate (the flip side of turnover rate) at one year for the employees hired under this system, compared to the one-year retention rate for employees hired prior to this system, and see if there is improvement. If there is, assuming you can rule out other factors, it just might be because you hired the right people for your organizational culture.
Break it down
A higher retention rate gives you a number, but it doesn't break it down into dollars and cents. However, if you estimate that every position you fill costs 1.5 times the salary of the open position, you can multiply that number by the number of positions you didn't have to fill, to give you a quantifiable dollar amount. For example: You filled six fewer positions after the new initiative, each one at a replacement cost of $30,000. This adds up to $180,000 you saved the company in costs not incurred to replace personnel due to the new initiative. You have just justified what you do in bottom line terms.
Keep score
You can keep a "scorecard," which will show how you rate on a number of initiatives, and will identify if these initiatives are working as desired to save the company money. You can update the scorecard quarterly to keep track of your progress throughout the year. The scorecard is something you can present to your superiors that will give them a snapshot view of the value you bring to the organization. It is well worth the effort.
A medium-sized organization with 2000 employees in total and a complete range of 325 different positions, an analyst at the present salaries and wages complex problems.
The existence of 325 different levels of compensation would be meaningless because of differences in income is very complex and would be distributed in a wide range of low wages. The analysts consider the most appropriate compensation amalgamating different positions in job categories.
When you set too many hierarchical levels are hampering the goal of establishing groups and also if the hierarchy are very few functions that will be very different given the same importance compensation. The problem that presents the rates for each category is one that can not be encouraged performance. To motivate an employee is required to pass to the next level wage, which would break all the internal balance established by job evaluation. Most companies used to pay certain ranges for each category to solve these problems.
As you create new posts in the organization, the area of wages and salaries of personnel department conducts evaluations of new posts. Based on these evaluations will find the new post in the appropriate category. If margins are used to pay wages for each category, it is desirable that the new employee compensation is located at the lower level of performance until it is appropriate (through the performance) placed on a higher level
Human resource management can be defined as the administrative process applied to the enhancement and conservation efforts, experience, health, knowledge, skills, etc., The members of the organization the benefit of the individual's own organization and the country at large.
- Supervision of staff: It's anyone who has their staff: the work of monitoring, the management of which is representative of supervisors immediately and that partner. Is to assist and guide subordinates so that the activities are properly carried out.
- Personnel management: The process of Admin. Applied to the enhancement and conservation efforts, experience, health, knowledge, skills, etc.. the members of the organization the benefit of the individual, the organization of the country in general. Is to develop and administer policies, programs and procedures to provide for an administrative structure, efficient, capable workers, opportunities for advancement, job satisfaction and adequate security in itself
- Industrial relations: This term is usually reserved for the legal aspects of the administration of Human Resources is used frequently associated with labor relations management.
- Human Relations: Any interaction of two or more persons, which is not only the organization but everywhere.
So... what is your roles as Human Resource...?