The increasing of customer amounts is certainly a target that is wanted to be reached by all companies and businesses. Many kinds of way are taken to make the target is reached perfectly. Internet as the most recent technology in communication and information is well used today for the efforts of advertising, business transaction, etc in order to get the increasing of customers.

Web directory is one of the ways used by many companies and business in making their online business to be more profitable. The web directory is the media where they can make a link to it so that whenever internet users type the keywords related to the business; the users will be linked to the business’ site. There are many companies that provide business web directory for good support for many companies and business in reaching maximal incomes online. Yahoo directory is one of the best directories and the most well known one to all over the world and so is DMOZ.

No matter what your business is and you start an effort of such online marketing; it is good for you to consider the most popularity of the directories. It will be much better for you to get the SEO friendly directory one. You can get much more profits with such directories that makes you more support through both directory and search engine.


A Leader should be responsible, compassionate, intelligent, just, wise, patient and energetic. For Leadership, the implication is that the action of a Leader can be fairly judged only relative to his context. A Leader is one who has an irreversible effect on the life of another.

The necessary conclusion of a monistic world-view is that we are all Leaders, regardless of the recognition or failure to appreciate the effects that we inevitably have on each other's lives. . Leaders and Leadership are related. One is the function of the other. Leadership, however, is not the functioning of Leaders. It is the function of a group and Leaders are a function of Leadership.


Start by selecting the most effective advertising medium in your job market. You wouldn't resort to a television advertisement to recruit computer programmers, for example, because TV appeals to too broad a market. Placing an ad in a programmers' magazine, or one discussing software, would be a more likely source.

Once you've found the right medium, concentrate on the ad itself, keeping these characteristics in mind:

- Design the ad so that it is distinctive in language
and appearance. Use typography and layout to make
your company and the job stand out from other ads on
the page.

- Highlight the major advantages you have to offer.
Address a prospective employee's most important
needs and concerns.

- State only the most critical job requirements. Make
half the ad deal with the job itself. Devote the
other half to selling your organization.

Unlike manual worker, the knowledge worker owns the means of production, are its knowledge, are portable, are among his two ears. It is a person who identifies with their area of expertise, not their employer. The organization is a resource, an area where they apply their knowledge. His loyalty is not obtained through the wage but by offering opportunities for their development. There can, or should, be monitored. There can, or should, be monitored.

According to Peter Drucker2 "In terms of real knowledge about the productivity of knowledge worker, we will be in 2000 about where we were in 1900 in terms of knowledge about the productivity of manual laborer."

There is much that is known today about the productivity of knowledge worker, but they know some things that work to increase it.

For a start, making the knowledge worker more productive requires a change in attitude of both the employee and the company.

Labour must take responsibility because of what it means to be a knowledge worker and because the company is responsible for creating the environment for which the contributions of knowledge worker can be generated and applied. In the next issue will analyze the responsibilities of workers to increase their productivity.

A knowledge worker is an individual who has specific knowledge, knowledge, and uses it to work. We know today by the knowledge into effective action, is a means to obtain results that are outside the individual, society, the economy.

A knowledge worker does not produce anything that is useful in itself does not provide for a physical product like a dress or a portfolio. It produces knowledge, ideas, information, products useless by themselves; someone must take them, integrating them into a task to make them productive. This assertion is that the knowledge worker needs an organization where they can integrate their knowledge into a larger whole.

They are knowledge workers both scientific researchers and surgeons, as cartoonists, managers or employees working with a computer


How do you rate your HR Performance..? so we can tell our boss that we have a big contribution in achieving company business objective. We are as HR always be seen stay aside of the line cause we don’t have a qualitative indicator to say we contribute significantly.

Here, I give you a simple reference a number of factors that can be measured to show how HR contributes to the business. Measures such as absence rate, health cost per employee, and HR expense factor show that HR has a sense of the importance of human capital measurement in supporting business objectives.

Absence Rate

[(# days absent in month) / (Ave. # of employees during mo.) X (# of workdays)] X 100

Cost per Hire

(Advertising + Agency Fees + Employee Referrals+ Travel cost of applicants and staff + Relocation costs + Recruiter pay and benefits) / Number of Hires

Health Care Costs per Employee

Total cost of health care / Total Employees

HR expense factor

HR expense / Total operating expense

Human Capital ROI

Revenue - (Operating Expense -[Compensation cost + Benefit cost]) / (Compensation cost + Benefit cost)

Time to fill

Total days elapsed to fill requisitions / Number hired

Training Investment Factor

Total training cost / Headcount Training cost per employee.

Turnover Rate

[# of separations during mo / Ave. # of employees during mo.] x 100

Workers' Compensation Cost per Employee

Total WC cost for Year / Average number of employees

OK….Those are some of HR measurement that we can use to count how strategic HR contribution to support business objective. Compare your metrics against other organization's metric, survey data, etc. to evaluate your performance.

Metrics can show the benefit of your HR practices and it's contribution to your organization's profit.


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